A total of 135 experts in their field travelled from 12 countries to attend the SEAI/ International Energy Agency Bioenergy Symposium on 'Anaerobic Digestion in the Circular Economy' at University College Cork. The symposium, organised by MaREI director Prof Jerry Murphy, discussed the need for the decarbonisation of Ireland’s gas system in order to achieve the circular economy objectives laid out in the government’s €21.8 billion National Development Plan. Representatives from the Department of Agriculture, Food & Marine, European Biogas Association, Korea Institute of Energy Research, and Centre for Agricultural Engineering Queensland to name but a few listened as international experts spoke about anaerobic digestion in the circular economy and how industry in Ireland is leading the way in embracing this new source of green energy through collaboration with Irish farmers. The Gas Networks Ireland Causeway Project which is leading a new transport revolution as they introduce compressed natural gas (CNG) and renewable gas for trucks, vans and buses ran a workshop outlining the green gas road map for Ireland. This project represents a significant step forward in delivering a sustainable alternative fuel for Irish transport. According to Prof Jerry Murphy, director of the SFI MaREI Centre headquartered at the UCC Environmental Research Institute and leader of the International Energy Agency Biogas Task: “We are well versed in the concepts and industry of renewable electricity. "We must now decarbonise gas and make green renewable gas. Six EU gas grids have committed to 100 per cent decarbonised gas by 2050. Ireland must follow.”