Twenty years after being ripped asunder by a fire, the 200-year-old Carrig House is once more rising, very much phoenix-like, from its stone-cold ashes, in an expensive and almost heroic act of restoration.

Original features
This landmark building dates back to the early 1820s and offers all the original features and characteristics that you would expect from a building of this age and architectural structure. The property is currently in poor repair and initial renovation work has commenced.
Pipelife Ireland Ltd is delighted to play its part in the rebuild of this fantastic property with its underfloor heating system consisting of its Qual-Pex Plus+ Easy-Lay Multilayer pipe and its new Midea Monobloc Heat Pump providing the heating solution for this iconic building.
“Linehan Construction, the developer for the building, got in touch with us to discuss the project,” recalls Pipelife Ireland’s technical representative Glenn Kenneally.
“Since we have worked with them on several projects before, they were happy to continue our successful partnership with this project. They especially appreciated our 50-year warranty offer on our pipe and after-sales service,” said Kenneally.
To begin a full design specification, both mechanical and electrical is produced by our technical team detailing the design criteria and guidelines from the initial process of laying of the underfloor heating pipe, through to the second stage of connecting these pipes to the plumbing system, commissioning of the system and heating controls layout.
Tailored to suit your requirements

Each design is always project specific and is tailored to suit your requirements. For your added confidence and peace of mind we carry full design indemnity insurance that makes us responsible if the installed system fails to meet the designed outputs.
The installation of the underfloor heating system owes its success to the long-standing and effective partnership between the supplier Pipelife Ireland and Linehan Construction.
Leo Linehan said: “One of the benefits we enjoy about the new Qual-Pex Plus+ ‘Easy-Lay’ multilayer pipe is the easy and flexible installation of it. My team greatly enjoyed working with this new pipe system.”
“We can do a job with fewer people and faster - that's worth its weight in gold. Usually, I’m not easily convinced by a particular system, but in this case, I’m convinced that the new Qual-Pex Plus+ ‘Easy-Lay’ Multilayer Pipe is a true game-changer.”
Since Pipelife Ireland provided a detailed and precise line drawing, it helped to guide Leo and his team on how each pipe run should be laid, resulting in efficient installation. This also helped avoid any unnecessary delays on site.
During the installation of both the underfloor heating and air to water heat pump the Pipelife team were always on hand to talk to the installer, electrician or builder and answer any queries they may have.
Run optimally
Also, to give customers complete peace of mind following the full installation, a Pipelife engineer will commission the new heating system. This will ensure that the unit is installed correctly and is set up to run optimally for the new homeowner needs. The homeowner will also be given a demonstration on how the system operates and how to run it thus giving the homeowner peace of mind in the complete installation.

Linehan Construction said: “Pipelife have been extremely helpful throughout the whole building process and answered any questions or concerns that we had. They talked us through all aspects of the heating system and how it would operate and really put our minds at ease that we were making the right choice.
"With Brexit and Covid all happening we really found having a local supplier like Pipelife very beneficial and helpful. They were always available to answer any questions or concerns that we ourselves or our builder and installer might have had.
"Now that we are nearly finished the renovation of the house we are delighted with the choices that we made to go with underfloor heating and an air to water heat pump, from constant heat, instant hot water and ease of use we just love it…”

To complete this beautiful new build project, the contractor also opted for our Neo Smart System to control their heating system. Our Neo smart heating controls can be set to provide different room temperatures and different time intervals on individual heating zones, with the click of a button.
Video of renovation -
Further information
Pipelife Ireland Solutions Limited, Little island, Cork T45 TX05
T +353 (0) 21 4884700. E:,