Phase two of the Geo Energy Europe project, which brings together nine geothermal-energy-focused business development clusters from eight European countries, has been unveiled.
This phase of Geoscience Ireland's Geo Energy Europe project builds on the success of the first phase which ran from 2018 to 2020.
The purpose of the first phase of the project was to explore third country energy markets and identify opportunities for the use of European skills and expertise in the field of deep geothermal energy.
The second phase will focus on bringing the skills and expertise of European small and medium-sized companies to the target markets identified in the first phase of the project.
In addition, the second phase will assist in the development of business links between European small and medium-sized enterprises and their counterparts in mature and emerging geothermal energy markets around the globe.
'Decarbonise heating, cooling and electricity needs'
Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications, Eamon Ryan TD said: “I welcome the launch of the Geo Energy Europe project. Irish small and medium-sized enterprises along with their European counterparts have a great deal of expertise to share with clients who seek to decarbonise their heating, cooling and electricity needs.”
Geothermal energy is a secure, environmentally sustainable and cost-effective source of energy that is growing in popularity across the world. Geothermal installations are commonly used across the globe to heat and cool homes and businesses, as well as industrial and agricultural applications.
Through participation in the Geo Energy Europe project, Irish small and medium sized enterprises will be able to build their capacity to work on geothermal energy projects.
The experience gained by Geoscience Ireland’s member companies through working with European partners in mature third country energy markets will be essential when the time comes to develop geothermal energy infrastructure in Ireland.
The Geo Energy Europe project combines the European know-how, technologies and experience in geo-energy, with an emphasis on the service offer of small and medium-sized companies in the field of deep geothermal energy.
Geo Energy Europe currently represents more than 600 members, including 300 small and medium-sized enterprises from 23 EU countries, and covers the entire deep geothermal value chain of services.
Geoscience Ireland (GI) is coordinating the Geo Energy Europe project and the participants are: Geoscience Ireland (Ireland), Pole Avenia (France), GeoDeep (France), Geo Energy Celle (Germany), the European Geothermal Energy Council (Belgium), Consorzio per lo Sviluppo delle Aree Geotermiche (Italy), Cluster of Applied Earth Sciences (Hungary), Plataforma Tecnológica y de Innovación Española en Geotermia (Spain), and Jeotermal Elektrik Santral Yatırımcıları Derneği (Turkey). The project is funded by the European Commission via the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) through its COS-CLUSINT-2019-3-01: Clusters Go International programme.