Introduction to Schedule Forensic Delay Analysis

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Organisation profile

Since 2002 PMIS has built a reputation of delivering successful implementation and transformation projects for their clients who have chosen to adopt a project management centric business approach. We have worked in many different sectors (Utilities, Oil & Gas, Defence, Engineering, etc.) across a widespread geographical territory (Ireland, UK, USA, South Africa, Azerbaijan, etc.) delivering such projects. We enable our clients to become self-sustaining by developing an exit strategy from day 1 

Training aim

Gain an in-depth knowledge on the principles behind Schedule FDA. Commencing with development of Baseline schedule through to As-Built, whilst working through 4 of the most common FDA methodologies.

Learning objectives

Understand the fundamental principles behind CPM Programmes; Interrogate the quality of a Programme; Have an understanding of the DCMA 14-Point Analysis; Differentiate between the different forms of Delay Analysis; Deliver effective presentation of Delay Analysis; Appreciation of Contracts in relation to Programmes 

Course outline

This course provides in-depth training on the principles behind Schedule Forensic Delay Analysis. It commences with the fundamentals of creating a quality CPM Programme and investigates how to interrogate the quality of a Programme against the DCMA 14-Point Schedule assessment. We will also introduce delay analysis techniques, and discuss current contractual issues that impact the handling of delays.

Trainer's profile

Course is conducted by Raymond Poole, MSc PPM, M.I.E.I. Dip Eng, Dip A.D.R.; Anthony Harkins, B.E. (Civil), C. Eng, Eur. Ing. (FEANI), F.I.E.I., F.C.I.Arb. (Chartered Institute of Arbitrators) D.A.L., D.I.A.L., and Dr Sinead Walsh, PhD (Chemistry), Grad. Cert. in PM.

Course duration

Course duration is 3 days 

Assessment & certification

On completion of course students receive an official PMIS Ltd. certification of successful completion having conducted a number of detailed workshops 

Who should attend

Engineers, Planners, Schedulers, Quantity Surveyors, Project Managers 
