Introduction to Research, Development and Innovation (RD&I)

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Organisation profile

ReaDI-Watch Ltd. provides a disruptive cloud based digital platform called ReaDI-Watch for companies to record R&D activity in real-time, to maximise return on R&D and Innovation (RD&I) investment and to meet requirements for R&D tax credits and grants. ReaDI-Watch has been developed by a team of RD&I specialists and is globally the first end-to-end service and toolkit for the management of RD&I. We also provide training courses in RD&I aligned to National and International best-practice.  

Training aim

The aim of this course is to demystify RD&I, to enable Senior Teams & Engineers to understand how to manage RD&I and to correctly manage and maximise R&D incentives (R&D tax credits, grants). 

Learning objectives

Manage RD&I with an understanding of excellent RD&I structures and processes. Identify a problem, define objectives, risks and investigate to find solutions. Write an R&D summary technical report. Identify R&D activity, technological uncertainties and advances. Conduct literature research and draw from other research and experts to conduct a state-of-the-art review in a technology area. Understand and identify potentially qualifying R&D activities in the field of engineering. 

Course outline

The course is provided online broken down into 5 video based modules with a case study embedded to apply the learnings. There is also a quiz to support a layered confirmation of learnings and a certificate is issued after completion.
 Module 1: Broad R&D Concepts 
Module 2: R&D Structure and Process 
Module 3: State of the Art 
Module 4: Technological Advancements and Uncertainties
 Module 5: Work Packages and Investigations
Case Study
Aligned to ISO 56000 Innovaiton Management series 

Trainer's profile

ReaDI-Watch Ltd. employees a team of R&D and Innovation Specialists with some 70 years of R&D experience across the team. All course trainers have excellent academic qualifications with many years practical experience in FMCG, Manufacturing, Engineering, Software, Telecoms, Medical Device, Agri-Tech, Bio-Tech, Digital Health and Innovation management. Comprehensive details of the trainers’ qualifications and testimonials of previous training attendees can be provided on request.      

Course duration

90 minutes

Assessment & certification

Candidates are assessed by way of practical case study and quiz, once passed are issued with a  Certification of completion and CPD hours 

Who should attend

Engineers, managers, senior teams, technical and scientific staff, finance managers,consultants and individuals involved in research, development and innovation and looking to further their knowledge.
