The Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland was established in 1835 and received its Royal Charter in 1877.
Through “The Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland (Charter Amendment) Act, 1960”, the objects of the Institution were extended to cover all branches of engineering and the provisions relating to the membership of the Council were altered. In 1969, The Institution of Engineers of Ireland was formed through “The Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland (Charter Amendment) Act 1969”.
In 2005 Council adopted the operating name of "Engineers Ireland" for the Institution. This operating name will be used throughout this revision of the Bye-laws while noting that the legal name remains "The Institution of Engineers of Ireland" in accordance with the 1969 Act. The Bye-laws constitute the rules whereby Engineers Ireland carries out its statutory functions as specified in the 1877 Charter, the 1960 Act and the 1969 Act.
All regulations in respect of Engineers Ireland’s activities such as the admission of Members, accreditation, etc. must comply with the Bye-laws. These Bye-laws, together with the latest edition approved by Council of: n The Code of Ethics n The Membership Regulations n Guidelines for Boards & Committees n Guidelines for Regional Branches, Engineering Divisions and Societies and any other guidance documents that may be published by Council, constitute the rules and regulations of Engineers Ireland for the time being in force.
Members are reminded that, on applying for admission to membership, they sign an undertaking that if admitted, and as long as they are members, they will observe the Charter, Bye-laws, Code of Ethics and other regulations for the time being in force. PJ Rudden Chartered Engineer President 2011-2012.