Sustainability Framework

Climate breakdown and biodiversity collapse are the most serious issues of our time and transformational action is required in all engineering sectors and disciplines. Engineers have a critical role, and an ethical obligation to play this role, in the transition to a more sustainable society. Engineers Ireland has made a strategic commitment to sustainability through our vision, mission and core organisational purpose.

Our approach to sustainability includes the resilience of our built and natural environment in the face of extreme weather (climate adaptation), the need to reduce emissions related to our buildings, vehicles and infrastructure (climate mitigation), biodiversity protection and enhancement, and achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Engineers Ireland is directly involved in a large amount of sustainability-related work and can educate, regulate and inspire a large audience, particularly our 25,000 members. Our sustainability actions are aligned with our core objectives as part of the following framework: Learn (professional formation and development), Live (operations), Lead (advocacy and regulation) and Link (collaboration). 

The Engineers Ireland Sustainability Plan 2022-2023 is a set of 20 actions, aligned with the Learn-Live-Lead-Link framework, developed in consultation with members and staff. The Plan was approved by the Council of Engineers Ireland on 5th February 2022 and will be delivered alongside the Engineers Ireland Statement of Strategic Intent 2021-23.

Engineers Ireland
Sustainability Plan
Engineers Ireland's Sustainability Plan aligns our sustainability actions with our core objectives under the headings Learn, Live, Lead and Link.

Declaration of a Climate and Biodiversity Emergency

on 22nd february 2020, the council of engineers ireland – which includes representatives of our engineering divisions and regional branches – passed a motion to declare a climate and biodiversity emergency, publicly recognising that climate breakdown and biodiversity collapse are the most serious issues of our time. the council of engineers ireland acknowledges the considered opinion of the scientific community that transformational action is required to achieve meaningful outcomes.  

the planet has ecological limits and a finite biocapacity, a paradigm shift is required to realign humanity’s ecological footprint within this capacity. indeed, with our existing technologies and fossil fuel dependence, we will fail to achieve our existing commitments. engineers ireland is adding our voice to those of professional bodies and other organisations around the world by declaring a climate and biodiversity emergency.

engineers ireland members will take action to address the impact of the climate and biodiversity emergency. in this most important of missions, we will collaborate with scientists, environmentalists, government, their advisors, public service, other professions and civil society.

As a professional body with 25,000 members, we will act as a leading voice for sustainability. 


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The above Declaration was made by Former President of Engineers Ireland, Marguerite Sayers, on 4th March 2020, World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development. This UNESCO-WFEO international day aims to highlight the achievements of engineers and engineering in our modern world and improve public understanding of how engineering and technology is central to modern life and sustainable development.


Engineers Ireland has prepared guidance notes to assist members in their interpretation and application of the Code of Ethics (2023). The guidance notes cover the main areas where instances of improper conduct have arisen. An extract on sustainability and ethics has also been prepared based on the Code of Ethics and guidance notes.