Trinity College Dublin micro-credentials is proud to partner with Immersive Technology SkillNet to offer a fee subsidy to eligible learners on three new, cutting-edge micro-credentials.
What are immersive technologies?
Immersive technology is technology that replaces or expands the physical world by creating 360 spaces, allowing users to look in any direction and see the content.
It can include virtual reality (VR) where the physical world is shut out, and augmented reality, which superimposes a layer of digital content over real life spaces and situations. It is a term that can be used in the context of both hardware and software to create and access immersive experiences.

According to the Irish Immersive Economy Report, commissioned by Skillnet, the Irish immersive technology sector is worth more than €43m, with huge future potential in Ireland.
While it is a well-connected and outward-looking sector, several barriers are impacting the growth of the industry, with a lack of skilled people being the largest barrier. A dynamic, highly trained workforce is central to building a thriving and successful immersive sector in Ireland.
Immersive technology is often associated with gaming, audio-visual production, streaming platforms and entertainment. However, its use is expanding into other fields including construction, healthcare and business.
Jeremy Dalton, head of VR/AR, PwC UK, states: “Businesses, the economy and society are at a crucial stage in the adoption of virtual reality and augmented reality. Everything is in place for these technologies to now deliver on their promise by improving the way organisations operate, making processes faster and more effective, and creating incredible new experiences.”
The opportunities for individuals to build a career in this innovative and exciting area are plentiful for those with the real-world, industry-relevant skills needed to address the immersive technology skills gap. One way to acquire these skills is to take a short and accredited micro-credential from Trinity College Dublin.

Why upskill with a Trinity micro-credential?
Trinity micro-credentials are delivered flexibly on a part-time basis and usually with a fully online, or hybrid delivery mode. This makes them ideal for people who are currently working or have other family commitments.
They are designed and taught by leading experts in their fields and will equip you with directly applicable knowledge and skills that you can take back to your current role, or that will give you the competitive edge needed to pivot your career.
The three courses supported by this subsidy are all available for a January start date, making them a great option for anybody looking to upskill or reskill in this growing industry in the new year.
The topics available are:
The courses run over a single semester (12 weeks) and on successful completion learners are awarded credits in the form of 5 or 10 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System. It is the common credit system in place at Trinity and in other universities in Ireland and in Europe.)
How do I access the Skillnet subsidy?
If you are a Republic of Ireland resident and a company employee or a sole trader or freelancer, then you may qualify for the Immersive Technologies Skillnet talent development subsidy. The subsidy will cover 30% of your fees for the course, reducing the cost to you to €1,050 for Spatial Audio and Introduction to XR and €1,400 for Motion Picture Engineering.
You first need to apply via the Trinity College Dublin website to secure your place on the course. You can then apply for the subsidy on the Skillnet Immersive Technology website.
Applications close strictly on December 12 and start the week commencing January 23. Places are limited.
Anyone interested can contact the Trinity Micro-credentials team on or Susan Talbot, manager of the Immersive Tech Skillnet at