After more than four years since its creation, Irish Water, and the sector as a whole, has already cleared a number of hurdles and is now on an upward trajectory towards consistently delivering sustainable, high-quality drinking water and ensuring top levels of environmental protection.
However, there is still a long way to go, and multiple, previously unforeseen challenges need to be addressed to ensure the overriding objective of delivering a quality service to customers is achieved.
Meeting the stringent water and environmental quality regulations, and attaining essential EU standards, will require the whole sector to develop new ways of working in partnership, adapting to the recently adopted centrally funded model, and continuing to address the legacy issues stemming from the previous fragmented structure.
The ever-increasing impact of climate change means there is a need to beef-up flooding mitigation plans, whilst the impact of the UK’s departure from the EU could have significant impacts across the sector, and much wider for the Irish economy.
The seventh annual Ireland Water Conference seeks to answer these critical questions and set out a roadmap for the sector to continue its development towards a mature, national utility set up which provides a top-level service to all of its customers. An array of expert speakers will be on hand to update you on the evolving policy landscape, and explain how Irish Water, policymakers, and the supply chain are seizing and creating the opportunities this new landscape is presenting.
More than 150 stakeholders including Irish Water, NI Water, regulators, NGOs, contractors, solution providers and consumer bodies will address the most pressing challenges affecting the long-term delivery of power services in Ireland at this key event.
[caption id="attachment_40401" align="alignleft" width="663"]
Ireland Water brings together senior professionals with a stake in the Irish water sector[/caption]
Speaker List
Expert speakers include:
- Maria Graham, assistant secretary for water, Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government
- Sheenagh Rooney, director of water, operations and customer care, Commission for Regulation of Utilities
- Brian Sheehan, head of asset delivery, Irish Water
- Cormac Murphy, head of the group office for Ireland, European Investment Bank
- Jenny Deakin, senior scientific officer of the catchment science and management unit, Environmental Protection Agency
- Barry Deane, chief executive officer, National Federation of Group Water Schemes
- Tom Collins, chair, Public Water Forum
- Colm McCarthy, economist, School of Economics, University College Dublin
- Mike Williamson, head of network control, Severn Trent Water
- Diarmaid O’Culain, development manager, asset manager, Irish Water
- And more…
The theme for 2018 is
‘Developing a sustainable and environmentally friendly water sector in Ireland’ and the programme features panel discussions, expert presentations, leading case studies and interactive sessions addressing crucial topics.
The 2018 conference will address:
- The sustainable provision of water services in Ireland
- Regulatory challenges facing the Irish water sector
- The role of infrastructure investment in meeting the evolving needs of citizens and businesses in Ireland
- Capital delivery priorities: future delivery models at programme and project level
- A green infrastructure approach to integrated planning for water and the environment
- EPA priorities for the wastewater industry
- Driving innovation in the Irish water sector
- Drinking water safety & environmental protection
- Driving collaboration in the sector to protect natural resources and the environment
- The future for cross-border projects
- Preparing for a changing climate and managing the flood risk
- Early involvement and long-term planning with contractors
[caption id="attachment_40399" align="alignleft" width="300"]

The theme for 2018 is Developing a sustainable and environmentally friendly water sector in Ireland[/caption]
Who should attend?
Ireland Water brings together senior professionals with a stake in the Irish water sector, including:
- Policymakers and advisers
- Engineering managers
- Heads of water supplies, services and planning
- Infrastructure managers
- Project directors and managers
- Large water users
- Technical and environmental managers
- Heads of strategic planning, asset management, sustainability, WFD, innovation, leakage and wastewater
In addition to:
- Contractors, consultants & solution providers
- NGOs and charities
- Academia
- Large water users
Visit if you want to gain a pan-utility understanding by attending the 2018 Ireland Power conference the day before.
To view the full conference programme for the Ireland Water Conference & Exhibition, and to book your place, visit: