MagGrow is a patented, proprietary technology that significantly reduces waste associated with conventional pesticide spray applications, delivering your important plant protection products where they matter the most.

Incredibly, about 70% of crop protection products when sprayed does not hit or remain on its intended target crop and/or weed. That is where MagGrow’s award-winning, science-based technology steps in.

World-class precision agricultural solution

MagGrow is a technology and IP company and therefore science is fundamental to delivering its world-class precision agricultural solution to growers everywhere.

Farmers using the system can improve their crop coverage by 20% plus and reduce drift by up to 70%. It can also reduce their water usage by up to 50% and extend their spray windows.

Farmers typically see a return on investment of one year or less just on chemical savings alone as well as healthier and less diseased crops due to the higher crop coverage.

The increased coverage also supports a reduction in labour and fuel requirements. A key selling point for farmers is the fact that there is virtually no maintenance with no moving parts, cables, electrical wires, or power supply.

MagGrow’s core Boomkit product is a two-component system comprising manifolds and rods. It is a plug and play system designed in a modular format to fit all sprayer types and sizes.


MagGrow technology uses permanent rare earth magnets to expose pesticide fluid to static non-uniform magnetic fields under appropriate flow conditions, thereby affecting the physical and chemical properties of the fluid, creating the ideal droplet profile. 

Protects environment

MagGrow is unique because it solves the pesticide spray drift and coverage compromise with existing technology. It also protects the environment by using less scarce resources such as labour and water.

And finally, MagGrow is helping farmers become both sustainable and profitable by using less chemicals and generating less waste.

MagGrow has partnered with AMBER, the SFI Research Centre for Advanced Materials and Bioengineering Research, Trinity College Dublin, a multidisciplinary partnership between leading academics and industry, working collaboratively to answer fundamental research questions.

It also has crop science and industrial engineering, and research facilities in the UK. 

MagGrow was also chosen as a Trimble select business partner for agriculture. The global partnership has allowed MagGrow to accelerate its global expansion through Trimble's international reseller network. 

MagGrow trades in the USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Europe, and Australasia. It aims to deliver world-class precision agricultural solutions to farmers everywhere.

It will achieve this by developing new products and applications arising from their scientific and engineering work. MagGrow will open its first of many Global Crop Science Application Centres in the UK this year.