With more than four decades of innovation, quality and high performance at the core of brand, leading manufacturer of heating technologies Grant has received the esteemed Quiet Mark award for its Aerona³ R32 13kW and 17kW air source heat pumps.
High-performance technologies
Associated with the UK Noise Abatement Society charitable foundation, Quiet Mark is the international award programme which validates and awards low-noise, high-performance technologies which help to deliver solutions to overcome noise pollution throughout the world.
Quiet Mark encourages companies to prioritise noise reduction within the design of their products and is only awarded to products which meet the programme’s criteria and are identified as being among the quietest models within their given category.
Following acoustic testing and assessment associated with this accolade, the 13kW and 17kW models within Grant’s new A+++ Aerona³ R32 air source heat pump (ASHP) range were recognised for their quiet operation, an important feature for many end users. 
These models are expected to build on the success of Grant’s existing Aerona³ inverter driven ASHP range which is already a firm favourite due to the heat pumps’ quiet and environmentally friendly operation.
Grant’s new 13kW and 17kW R32 ASHP models are designed to provide discreet, high quality home heating for the end user and champion greater environmentally friendly benefits compared to those traditionally associated with air source heat pumps.
Incorporating the single-component R32 refrigerant, which boasts a lower global warming potential (GWP) than other typical heat pump refrigerants, the Aerona³ R32 ASHPs meet upcoming legislative targets outlined in the 2014 EU Fluorinated Greenhouse Gas Regulations.
An exciting development for the industry and those wishing to future-proof a property, the R32 refrigerant used within Grant’s 13kW and 17kW ASHP models also ensures no temperature glide which allows the heat pump system to effortlessly recharge and recycle.
This factor can subsequently help to improve the heat pump’s overall efficiency and performance and contributes to the models being coined as Grant’s quietest and most efficient heat pumps yet.
The Aerona³ heat pumps are a key feature in Grant’s Multiple Package Solutions offering and are a popular choice for new build properties to help meet Part L compliance as required under building regulations.
In addition to identifying the required heat source, Grant’s free of charge home heating design service combines a range of products within its portfolio with the specialist knowledge of its technical team and can outline a new-build property’s full heating requirements including hot water cylinders and heat emitters to ensure maximum efficiencies.
In addition to Grant’s Wave and pre-plumbed hot water cylinders, the company’s modern heat emitter offering includes Grant Solo fan convector radiators, Grant Afinia aluminium radiators and the integration of underfloor heating, all of which are designed to complement the low temperature operation of a Grant Aerona³ air source heat pump.
Delivers faster rates of convection
Grant’s Solo fan convector range, which comprises of three models, delivers faster rates of convection than traditional radiators and is an excellent addition for areas of the home which may prove harder to heat such as larger rooms with high ceilings.
The Grant Afinia aluminium radiator range is designed to suit a range of installations and is available from six to 20 panels as either standard or vertical radiators.
Grant’s full range of innovative heating solutions are available from leading plumbing heating merchants throughout Ireland.
For more information visit www.grant.eu or follow Grant on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Think heat pumps. Think heating. Think Grant.