UPS Fundamentals – the History, Basics, Efficiency, Installation Requirements and Batteries

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Organisation profile

Vertiv brings together hardware, software, analytics and ongoing services to enable continuous and optimal running of vital applications for data centers, communication networks, and commercial and industrial facilities. Its portfolio comprises of power, cooling and IT infrastructure solutions and services, extending from the cloud to the edge of the network.

Training aim

This course is designed to acquaint the attendee with a general understanding to different UPS technologies, the need for UPSs, basic operation and building blocks of a UPS system.

Learning objectives

•            What is a UPS and what does it do

•            Technology history, making DC from AC

•            Semi-conductor speeds

•            Inside a IGBT's and digital control

•            The range of UPS and different topologies

•            Transformer or no transformer

•            Standards & CBEMA saving on infrastructure with modular

•            IT loads and leading power factor

Course outline

•            What is a UPS and what does it do

•            Technology history, making DC from AC

•            Semi-conductor speeds

•            Inside a IGBT's and digital control

•            The range of UPS and different topologies

•            Transformer or no transformer

•            Standards & CBEMA saving on infrastructure with modular

•            IT loads and leading power factor

Trainer's profile

Russell Bulley - Technical Support Manager EMEA

Russell Bulley started as an apprentice electrician, rising through industrial electrical systems and engineering management. With a short spell in research and chip manufacturing, was followed by an extensive period within the UPS and M&E world of critical services.

Well versed in the electrical and mechanical demands of exacting clients around the world, both from a service and supply aspect within old and new data centres.

Course duration

1 Hour

Assessment & certification

This seminar will contribute to your Engineers Ireland CPD requirement and following each seminar, all attendees will receive a certified CPD

Who should attend

Electrical Engineers

Consulting Engineers

Facilities Managers

IT Managers

Data Centre Managers

Operations Managers
