Organisation profile
Enhancing spaces with light! Wink Lighting has 30 years experience in all aspects of lighting from concept to installation, technical drawings and product supply where required. We design using cutting edge lighting technologies to create lighting effects that help people experience healthier and happier environments. Wink develops lighting solutions that integrate architectural and living spaces, always with a keen eye on sustainability, sharing expertise and knowledge.
Training aim
To introduce and expand knowledge of 'The use of Artificial lighting in Architectural Spaces' from an engineer's perspective. The aim of the CPD seminar is to give a basic understanding of lighting principles, terms, light output and colour, so the importance of lighting design is understood; allowing you to ensure that lighting becomes an integrated part of the building’s architecture.
This training is free to attend and offered online and occasionally, in-house.
Learning objectives
In the seminar, Wink explores the development of LED technologies, how they can be best utilised, their advantages and disadvantages. The CPD details what is coming down the line with light sources and their control and also how we can best implement these developments into our buildings, leading to both increases in the wellbeing of the occupant and increases in the efficiencies of the building.
Course outline
- Learn about the different qualities of light;
- Gather the knowledge on how and why light has the ability to enhance our wellbeing;
- Increase your understanding on how to select the correct light source f or a specific task.
Trainer's profile
Wink MD, Rocky Wall is one of Ireland's most renowned and well-known Lighting Designers. With 30 years in the lighting industry, he has worked in both the Theatre and the Rock and Roll industries during his career and in the last 20 years has concentrated on Architectural Lighting. Rocky has appeared on several Irish Television programmes and in publications providing expertise on lighting design.
He believes that "Light itself becomes an integral part to the design concept of architecture, a dynamic element in its own right."
Course duration
1 hour
Assessment & certification
Certificates of attendance will be issued by email within 2 weeks of the seminar being delivered. Assessment and feedback would be appreciated.
Who should attend
This CPD is of interest to any Engineer, or designer wishing to increase his knowledge of lighting and taking into consideration the impact of lighting and its design in architectural spaces.
Next CPD
Wink is running an online CPD on 'The Use of Artificial Lighting for Architectural Spaces' on Wednesday 29 March 2023.
You can register at the below link:
We also run individual CPD's for companies. These are mostly online but some are in-house. Any enquiries to
Wink Lighting runs Engineers Ireland approved CPD’s throughout the year. If you would like to book a CPD or have a company booking, please contact