Organisation profile
The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland was established as Ireland's national energy authority under the Sustainable Energy Act 2002. SEAI's mission is to play a leading role in transforming Ireland into a society based on sustainable energy structures, technologies and practices. To fulfil this mission SEAI aims to provide well-timed and informed advice to Government, and deliver a range of programmes efficiently and effectively, while engaging and motivating a wide range of stakeholders.
Training aim
The aim of this LARES workshop is to guide local authorities planning teams in the preparation of their Local Authority Renewable Energy Strategies (LARES), with a focus on the utilisation of Renewable Energy.
Learning objectives
The workshop’s specific objectives are to answer the following questions:
• What is a LARES?
• Why a LARES?
• How to develop a LARES?
• What is the policy framework?
• How do you assess RE resources and technologies?
• How do you analyse Constraints and Facilitators?
• How do you create the LARES’s vision, targets and policies?
… with a focus on the urban environment!
Course outline
• Introduction to LARES, its rationale, policy framework, methodology and implementation steps.
• Methodology and data sources to assess urban RES potential; RE opportunities (inc. waste heat) and the technologies to harness them. District energy systems.
• Assessing the urban constraints and facilitators for renewable energy, and filtering from the theoretical to economic potential of RES.
• Citizen’s engagement with LARES, creating a LARES vision, targets and integrating it in local policies
Trainer's profile
Xavier Dubuisson Eng. MSc. Is a consulting engineer with close to 20 years of experience in energy efficiency and renewable energy. He has pioneered local energy planning in Ireland and continue supporting local authorities and community groups for the development of their sustainable energy transition strategies and their implementation.
Course duration
9.30 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Assessment & certification
CPD Hours
Who should attend
Planners, local and regional authority staff, consultants and other professionals, who may engage with producing local and regional authority renewable energy strategies.