Overview of Jacopa's Wastewater Treatment Equipment Selection as required by Irish Water

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Organisation profile

Wastewater treatment equipment and solutions specialist Jacopa integrates the UK’s & Irelands best-loved and most reliable wastewater treatment brands: Copa, Jones + Attwood and MBR Technology. The company also holds exclusive UK and Ireland licences for the renowned Brackett Green and Bosker product ranges, with a Wastewater history going back to 1864.

Training aim

To Educate Engineers & Technicians on the factors and parameters to be considered when selecting Wastewater Equipment.

Learning objectives

Gain an insight into the following Topics.
1. Selection of appropiate Wastewater Treatment Equipment
2. Fluid Hydraulic Head Loss
3. First Flush Screenings calculations
4. First Flush Grit Calculations.
5. Review of  Screening Capture Rates (SCR) and Screening Retention  Values (SRV)  for Screens and Combined Sewer Overflows (CSO's)

6. Structural requirements to provide 20 Year Life for Rotational Biological Contactors (RBC's)

Course outline

Slide Presentation with explanation of Product Selection and applications, including:
1. Rotational Biological Contactors (RBC's)
2. Inlet Screening and Screening conditioning Equipment
3. Combined Sewer Overflows (CSO's)
4. Grit Extraction & Conditioning Equipment
5. Gravity Biological Filter Distributors.
6. Storm Tank Cleaning Systems

7. Tertiary Filters, Phosphorus Removal.

Trainer's profile

Peter Murnin BSc, DIS, CEng, MIEI.

Chartered Engineer with 30 Years Experience in Wastewater Treatment Contracting, Design and Consultancy.

Course duration

1/2 Day in Participants office or agreed location

Assessment & certification

CPD Hours

Who should attend

Engineers and Technicians involvement in the Design, operation and Construction of Wastewater Treatment Works.

