
Engineers Ireland Fellows hold the most prestigious and senior professional title within the engineering profession. 

Fellows are highly-skilled professionals who help to shape, influence and inspire both engineers and the future of the engineering industry.

Being an Engineers Ireland Fellow signifies excellence in your promotion of, and influence on, the engineering profession.

Mutual Recognition Agreements
Have you received a professional title from a country that has a Mutual Recognition Agreement with Ireland? Learn how to get your title recognised by Engineers Ireland.

How to become a fellow

There are a number of key requirements you must meet to apply to become a Fellow.

You must be a Chartered Engineer for at least five years. 

If you have been a Chartered Engineer for less than five years you must hold specific, satisfactory qualifications for over 10-years.

During the five years prior to applying for Fellow you must have held a position of responsibility in the design and execution of important engineering work.

You must also demonstrate:

  1. That you are working at a senior level with responsibility in the design or execution of important engineering work or new technologies.
  2. Your leadership qualities or expert knowledge in your field of engineering.
  3. Your influence on policy, strategy or opinion.
  4. That you promote the profession and are committed to Continuing Professional Development.


You must nominate three supporters:

  • The first must be a Fellow of Engineers Ireland.
  • The second may be a Fellow of Engineers Ireland or of another professional engineering body with which Engineers Ireland hold a mutual agreement.
  • The third must be either a Fellow or Chartered Engineer of Engineers Ireland.

How to apply

If you are eligible to apply for this professional title, you can begin your application online through your member dashboard by selecting 'My Professional Title'.

The Membership and Qualifications Board will review applications at their meetings in January, April, July and October of each year. Applications including supporters’ documentation must be received on or before the last Friday of the preceding month.

We're here to help
If you have any questions on your professional title application, please get in touch with our Membership team on (01) 665 1334 – we're happy to help.