
The governance of Engineers Ireland is vested in Council subject to the provisions of the Charter, the 1960 & 1969 Acts of the Oireachtas, the Bye-laws and to the resolutions of Special General Meetings. 

The key role of Council is to provide efficient and effective strategic leadership and oversight of the institution within a framework of practical controls. 

Broadly speaking, Council’s main functions in this respect are to:

  • set the strategic direction for the institution so that it may fulfil its four core objects, as provided for in the Charter and set out in the Bye-laws; 
  • determine the vision, mission and values of the institution and approve the strategic plan; 
  • set and promote the professional standards expected of the engineering profession;
  • represent the profession of engineering by listening to, understanding, and promoting the needs of members;    
  • ensure adequate systems and processes are in place so that the institution can operate in compliance with relevant legislation;
  • oversee the performance of the institution ensuring the system of delegated authority works effectively.

Find out more about the role of the Council of Engineers Ireland in the PDF below.

Council Representatives

Past President

Edmond Harty


Laura Burke

Vice President

John Jordan

Vice President

Dave Murphy

Chairperson of Finance, Audit & Risk Committee

April Mangan

Chairperson of Board of Examiners (BEX)

Cormac Bradley


Richard Crowe

Laura Woodbyrme

Michael Quinn

John Bailey

John Cunningham

Peter Monahan

Ruairí Ó Byrne

Aidan Smyth

Sarah Mehmood

Krystyna Dimtchev

Anne Graham

Majella Henchion

Maryellen Kelledy

David Purcell

Jean Ryan

Stephen Seymour

South East Representative

Kevin Stephens

North West Representative

Michael Walsh

Northern Representative

Frank Given

North East Representative

Pat Mc Cormick

Midland Representative

Alan Kiernan

Donegal Representative

Stephen Kelly

Cork Representative

Jim Leahy

West Representative

John O'Connell

An Ríocht (Kerry) Representative

Dawn Roberts

Thomond Representative

Sean Lenihan

GB Representative

Con Kelleher

Australia/ New Zealand Representative

Luke Naughton

Agriculture and Food Representative

Dr Raj Nagat

Biomedical Representative

Deasún Ó Conchúir

Chemical & Process Engineering Representative

Shane Breslin

Civil Representative

Joe Seymour

Electrical Representative

Anthony Colohan

Energy-Environment Representative

Barry McMullin

Electronic and Computing Representative

Mike Griffin

Fire & Safety Representative

Paul Curran

Public Sector Representative

Richard McCormack

Mechanical & Manufacturing Representative

Pádraig Leahy

Structures & Construction Representative

Orla Lonergan

Council meeting reports

The Council of Engineers Ireland meets regularly.

The Council normally meets five times during each term. The Council terms are one year (12 calendar months) commencing after the AGM.
